We #FilledOurFoodbanks back in December, we came together and made a massive impact by delivering months' worth of food to local food banks, helping some of our most vulnerable people in society.
Now, we want to help #BuildBackBetter and we are launching our #TidyTheTrash challenge for sections and groups to take part: by doing litter picks in an area of their choice and then keeping it clean for a period of time! A perfect activity for amber level scouting.
We've set out the steps so you can organise your own litter pick below. Please register with us then make sure to keep track of how many bags of litter you collect and record with us on the 18th of June (if you finish before that, you can record it with us before that date!)
We've also set up a resources pages with links to badges, social media content, and much more, check it out!
Get Involved using these easy steps!
1) Purchase the relevant equipment remember to let us know you are taking part!)
2) Educate your section/group on why it's never been more needed and help the young people choose place/s they would like to clean up during the campaign.
3) Once the dates, times and frequency are confirmed, make sure to take before and after photos and lots of selfies! Remember to record how many bags you collect each time!
4) After each litter pick, make sure you liaise with your local council authority to properly dispose of the waste, make sure it's separated into recyclables and non-recyclables so we can help our environment even more.
5) At the end of your agreed plan, fill out our completion form by the 18th of June and also give us a little feedback on your experience during the campaign. We'll record your impact on our interactive map so you can see the impact!